Carbine/Rifle 1: Fundamentals/Move & Shoot Basics
Semi-Auto carbine/rifle [ie AR or AK; 22LR conversion is ok]
Sling [Single-point or Double-point; both have pros/cons convertable is best option]
300 rounds of ammunition [feel free to bring extra]
Eye and Ear protection
Optional: First Aid-Trauma Kit - See Article Review for example to build your own
Dress Code:
Long pants (No Shorts) Recommend BDU’s or 5.11 type
Sturdy footwear [Boots, Quality tennis shoes]
-Optional: bandana, scarf, sunscreen
Bring at least 1 gallon of water, but 2 to 3 is better since we will be outside for most of the day during many of these classes. At a minimum, bring a refillable water bottle/canteen
-Optional: Lunch/Snacks, Chair, Sun Shades/Hats, Weather Related Clothing-i.e. Rain Coat
Carbine-Rifle 2: Advanced/Move & Shoot
Semi-Auto carbine/rifle [ie AR or AK; 22LR conversion is ok]
Sling [Single-point or Double-point; both have pros/cons convertable is best option]
300 rounds of ammunition [feel free to bring extra]
Eye and Ear protection
First Aid-Trauma Kit - See Article Review for example to build your own
Dress Code:
Long pants (No Shorts) Recommend BDU’s or 5.11 type
Sturdy footwear [Boots, Quality tennis shoes]
-Optional: bandana, scarf, sunscreen
Bring at least 1 gallon of water, but 2 to 3 is better since we will be outside for most of the day during many of these classes. At a minimum, bring a refillable water bottle/canteen
-Optional: Lunch/Snacks, Chair, Sun Shades/Hats, Weather Related Clothing-i.e. Rain Coat
Carbine/Rifle-3: Night & Low Light
Semi-Auto carbine/rifle [ie AR or AK; 22LR conversion is ok]
200 rounds of ammunition [feel free to bring extra]
Eye and Ear protection
Optional: First Aid-Trauma Kit - See Article Review for example to build your own
Dress Code:
Long pants (No Shorts) BDU’s or 5.11 type recommended
Sturdy footwear [Boots, Quality tennis shoes]
-Optional: bandana, scarf, sunscreen
Bring at least 1 gallon of water, but 2 to 3 is better since we will be outside for most of the day during many of these classes. At a minimum, bring a refillable water bottle/canteen
Small handheld flashlight
-Optional: Lunch/Snacks, Chair, Sun Shades/Hats, Weather Related Clothing-i.e. Rain Coat